You sneak into the exponential population control room.

New trainees take a few years to really know what they're doing.

It can't be that hard, can it



  • Use mouse to navigate the UI
  • Drag modification cards to the slots in the populations
  • Run simulation to see results
  • Try to maximise the coexistence and growth of all populations


(spoilery) How to play:

  • There are three populations (Water, Fire, Earth)
  • Each population will grow exponentially based on their stats
  • Each population has a natural predator and prey
    • Water preys on Fire
    • Fire preys on Earth
    • Earth preys on Water
  • The goal is to make sure that all populations are balanced to grow exponentially in a cooperative manner - compensating their aggresiveness and enhancing their defense
  • The stats are:
    • POP: Max number of population that will reach
      • The higher the number the better
    • GROW: Rate at which the population will grow
      • The higher the number the bette, but after 3 the population will be chaotic!!
    • ATT: Aggressiveness against their natural prey
    • DEF: Defense against their natural predator
      • Ideally you want the ATT and DEF of pairs predator/prey to  be even out



  • Art & Ideas - Miguel de la Iglesia (web)
  • Code & Audio - José Cámara (web)
  • Design & Code - Ale Cámara (web)


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Install instructions

Game should run out of the box in Windows and MacOS - leave a comment if that's not the case.

Note that in MacOS you most likely will have to go to Settings > Privacy & Security to allow running the game as it's an unverified app downloaded from the web.

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